Saturday 8 December 2012

Blast from the Past!

This post is part of the 'Marathon Bloggers' challenge that I am doing this month! The themed post for this week is 'Blast from the Past'. You need to be glad that I did not find the picture that I had actually wanted to post about - it would've been one weepy washy tale ;)

Instead I give to you : The fried fish from Namma Bengaluru!

Alright - jokes apart - that is me standing in the back. And the sweet lady who is seated is my first ever Boss! Yes, you guessed it - my first job! My first gig after doing the all important MBA, landing a job in a land far away from home and even living all by myself!

Though I do look like fried fish ( I did go through a no-makeup phase, eh?) there is a reason why I like this picture - and if you haven't noticed - I am THIN!! And I am wearing WHITE pants! I had forgotten  that I ever owned a pair in that colour - let alone merrily wore it to work! 

I also like the picture a bit because of the T-shirt I am wearing - it was partly designed (ok, only the words on it were) by me - and it was not the only one created. It was part of the merchandise that we had made for a play we had done at MICA (my alma mater).

But mostly I like the picture because it reminds me of youth, of new beginnings, of the sweet promise of tomorrow, of a new phase of independence and responsibility that was just taking off...


  1. :) i like the way you put it "because it reminds me of..."

  2. Hehe the first photo I picked up too was one in which I was thin as a stick :).. but didn't find one with the friend I wanted to post.

    This is a nice memory, first job - that's something that always stays in mind!

    1. Thin as a stick - sigh - never happened to me sadly ;) Though I have bitter sweet memories of my first job - it still is a memory I cherish!

  3. LOL I love the white pants!! I had one ages ago too :) And I go through no make up phases so often! They are nice :)
